Fellow Christians, What Is Your Favourite Bible Verse And Why Does It Stand Out For You? - ncv bible
One of my favorite poems in the Bible comes from Psalm 34:5, which says:
"Those who are going to help him happy, and never been disgraced.
(Youth Bible - Louis Segond)
I love this verse so much because it helped me overcome so many last year when my family and I have been through some problems and gave me my faith is much stronger in the full test.
Anywho, what is your favorite Bible verse (or maybe you have some) and why (they are) for you.
God bless
Ncv Bible Fellow Christians, What Is Your Favourite Bible Verse And Why Does It Stand Out For You?
4:08 AM
Testim New: John 8:1 - 7
(53) and everyone went home.
8: Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
(2) However, in the early morning hours, came back into the temple, and all the people to him, and he sat down and taught.
(3) And the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultery, and when he set up in their midst,
(4), said: "Master, this woman caught in Adultry in the same deed.
(5) "Moses in the law commanded us to stone such women. But what do you say?
(6) What was the test, said that might have something to blame. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger, as if he did not listen.
(7) Thus, if theand continued to ask him, he straightened up and said: "Whoever is without sin among you, let them cast the first stone"
Thank you Victoria, I have a "hub" of Bible study for young people so that they may not be correct.
My favorite is because they say the line separating the men from the boys so. Talk is cheap. This verse (in red, so that it can), written not denied making any declared Sunday the Christian way that few do well. If Christians are persecuted, the verse that calls will not be supporting churches around the world Sunday. Simple as that. The commandments, of course, includes the fourth commandment, that most are completely unknown.
John 14:15 () in red: "If you love me, keep my commandments."
Second Timothy 1:12 (b) because I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he keep what I have done for the day. I love it because it speaks to our security in Christ, and I find it reassuring in case of emergency.
Hosea 6:6 is desired for the love and not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
We are flesh and blood, because of love ...
Many churches are more concerned about their rituals, but all he wants is his love for God with a sincere heart, and know what he wants and around him.
One of the many that I like is: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ..." He showed me that the Kingdom is not a place to a place. It "acts" who "and someone you become one with Jesus Christ in the Father through the Holy Spirit of truth and grace. We are houses of God. Your room photo of him in the flesh: the whole body. God bless you.
Once I lived in my life I have struggled to pray. I saw that I bought a framed print, everything has been said that to me. Isiah 26:3 keep you in peace to him whose mind steadfast.
John 3:16, because he says I'm in heaven, no matter what, and all because of Jesus, and believe in Jesus for salvation, it's free! : D
There are several I like but I think John 17:3 (NIV) is one of them:
This is eternal life, that they now can recognize the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
I like this before, because it shows that for us to obtain salvation depends on our knowledge, only two persons: the Father and Christ, showing that they are not doctrines as the Trinity, the teachings of the Bible. In fact, if the SA in the divinity of Jesus, why do we "him" on such an important statement to his followers?
Matthew 10:34 - "Do not come to bring peace, but to bring the sword." There are many interesting interpretation of this statement of Jesus. It reflects and can mean several things.
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