Halon Fire What Is Halon In Fire Fighting?

What is halon in fire fighting? - halon fire

Halon is a chemical used in some systems, fire extinguishing agents. It is very effective, but proved to be extremely dangerous for the ozone layer. As such, it can be used in most developed countries in situations where others would extinguishing systems, fire is not effective (engines) or extremely expensive (server rooms) by large companies.


mv said...

Halon is a gas, but not replaced oxygen and CO2. It may actually be able to breathe, but it is good for you. Instead, break the "fire triangle". Fire needs three things to burn. Heating, fuel and oxygen. Most methods of fighting fires for the implementation of one or more of these components. For example, the use of an ignition source of water to cool or delete any burning materials in order to escape the fire of oxygen. Halon works chemically to the chemical reaction that stop the fire. I do not know exactly how Tho.

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